It’s no secret that the healthcare and pharma pricing industry is broken. Drug pricing and healthcare costs continue to skyrocket, patient conditions and treatments become increasingly complex, yet efforts to lower costs seem to remain stagnant.
The inherent flaws of current global healthcare infrastructure result in substantial inefficiency, wastage and sub-optimal health outcomes for the most important stakeholder; the patient. In healthcare today, there is a lack of incentive for health systems and providers to focus on mutually beneficial collaboration and the maximization of patient outcomes. Most would agree that a reasonable solution to these glaring issues would be adopting other innovative pricing models, such as value based pricing.
Our solutions aim to accelerate the much needed restructuring of healthcare delivery systems to a value-based approach.

Digipharm bypasses infrastructural limitations to enable the implementation of flexible value-based pricing agreements using smart contracts, the development of unprecedented evidence platforms and the ability to reward patients for contributing their data. We aim to utilize innovative blockchain technology to overcome barriers to patient access and innovative pricing, reduce costs for all stakeholders, and bypass infrastructural limitations to drive value improvement, incentivize innovation and expedite the transformation to personalized healthcare.

About Digipharm

Health is a prosperous state of body, soul, and social that enables everyone to live socially and economically productive. Health care is an attempt to address and prevent health problems that require examination, care and care including pregnancy and childbirth. On this occasion I will describe the health projects of Digipharms. That support the Supply in Health Sector. Digipharms Be a pioneer in the delivery of sustainable health services and patient empowerment in the healthcare industry.

Blockchain Technology

You may wonder how Digipharm can be so sophisticated in facilitating patients to be healthy. One of the main points is due to the implementation of Blockchain. Yes, Blockchain is now not only to support the financial system but also others including the health system. The basic principle of Blockchain is that the system does not include third parties during all businesses and transactions. That is why; All the processes tend to be simpler, easier, and faster. This is very good in the health care world where patients should be taken care of as soon as possible.

Team Handles Digipharm

Here is the team of Digipharm:

  • Ahmed Abdulla - Founder/CEO
  • Girisha Fernando - Co-Founder/COO
  • Zach Daniels - CTO
  • Ralf Gerteis - Commercial Strategy
  • Alexander Sverdlov - Cybersecurity Strategy
  • Meredith Darden - Digital Marketing Lead
  • Alexey Popov - Web Development
  • Michael Gubert - UI/UX Design
  • Leon Rebolledo - Integration Lead
  • Rolf Günter - Legal Counsel
  • Bobby Kaura - Business Developmen
  • Dr. Mohamed Abdulla - Clinical Transformation
  • Dr. Hasham Al-Meshhedani - Patient Engagement
  • Ali Al-Sudani - Clinical Pharmacist
  • Dr. Rami Radwan - Clinical Relations
  • Peter Sandbach - Communications Director
  • Marko Granic - Graphic Designer

For more information about the project, feel free to visit the links below :



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